Our design philosophy at Fenn Interiors exists between a space of functionality and artistic detail, we strive to enhance a homes natural features and honor its integrity through pointed, mindful decision making.

We want to create a space that feels lived in and unpretentious in execution. Through seamless design, merging the old with the new, we feel you achieve something much deeper than simply checking all the boxes.

From start to finish, the backbone of our work is driven by stories, the pieces you choose to put into a home and the home itself speak volumes to who you are and the story you’re telling – enhancing your life.

While protecting the resources of our Earth for future generations, we believe that designing healthy environments is critical to a happy and productive lifestyle. This means, we design solutions that incorporate sustainable building materials, organic and fair trade fabrics, while supporting local artisans and small businesses.

We scout out antique and vintage finds to add in to each project, as they are not only beautifully imperfect, but represent a unique history, just as you do.



01. Getting To Know You

We want to learn the ins and outs of who you are, so we devote time to listening and understanding our clients. We love hearing about your favorite restaurants, who you enjoy hosting in your space, about your pets, what’s important to your home– this communication is essential for envisioning environments that fit our clients’ individual style and needs.

02. Creating Solutions

We’ll then prepare for presentation – we’ll measure the spaces that we will be designing and draw up schematic design solutions, floor plans, furniture layouts and elevations, and begin sourcing materials. We take inventory of any items clients already own and love, and try to reuse, repurpose or mend these pieces. We’ll also compile images to express the style of the space, going beyond habitual behavior. We present our design concept to the client and once approved, move forward with pricing out all the trades and items.

03. Bringing the Design to Life

Then, we implement! Once the design is finalized and all items are approved by the client, we place and track all orders for their installation. We communicate with the client and all the craftsman throughout the entire project, assuring that the project runs smoothy and exactly as we all communicated and envisioned.  

04. Finalization . . .

To assure that your home looks exactly how you envisioned it, we recommend having us order and arrange all luxury items, such as: linens, bathroom accessories, pillows, bedding, plants and artwork. Allowing us to stage and arrange the smaller items, raises your design to a higher level. This makes a HUGE difference in the finished project!




Interior Design has been Suzi’s passion since she was a little girl making doll houses out of apple crates with her Grandpa, detailed with scraps of wrapping paper for wallpaper, and turquoise fish bowl rocks for bathroom floors.

Always considering how something can be repurposed, Suzi is constantly sourcing flea markets and antique shops to implement into Designs. Because of her close work with contractors and makers, and her desire to build more sustainably, Suzi became a Certified Green Builder to better communicate her ideas with all the builders and fabricators on her jobs, and to create healthy non-toxic spaces.

Suzi graduated from UCLA with an Art History Degree and from FIDM with an Interior Architecture Degree. Since, she’s worked in the design world for over 30 years, slowly building her own studio after her two kids entered kindergarten.

When she’s not designing homes, she’s baking and eating bread, dancing at concerts and researching new artists.


With a background in fashion, and a fascination with storytelling, Mickayla has always been drawn to interior design. 

She believes that the way we choose to live our day to day amounts to a larger and more significant impact on ourselves, our loved ones, our overarching communities and our planet. 

Mickayla is fascinated with the idea of building environments that honor our ecosystems, the outdoors, and contribute to a safe place to exist for generations to come – whether that be through carefully sourcing sustainable materials, biomimicry within design orientations, incorporating secondhand materials throughout new builds, or small lifestyle changes that better our habits within our spaces. 

Having worked in a number of different fields her experiences have amounted to a deep understanding of details of space, layering textures, the makeup and health of textiles and how we can tell stories throughout our homes, adding more meaning to how we live.